Book Review: Workshop with Velda Newman, Adding Dimension to your Quilts

Workshop With Velda Newman

Adding Dimension to your Quilts

When you catch your breath after viewing one of Velda Newman’s

astonishingly lifelike nature quilts, you have to ask yourself,

“how does she do that?” She generously tells and shows how in

complete detail in her book. She was a painter before she was a

quilter and her tools and techniques are largely those of a painter:

paint, pencils, crayons and pastels. And her surface embellishments

include reverse applique, tucks and an array of stitching and

quilting stitches. From a master drawing or tracing each unit is

traced, cut and finished nearly entirely as a unit: the fabric and

lightweight batting sandwiched together is enhanced with some

of the painting techniques and some of the stitching techniques.

When all the units are individually layered and embellished they

are then composed and appliqued to the master with another layer

of lightweight batting in the center.Some final fine definition is

painted, crayoned or pencilled and then the final quilting is done.

There are illustrations and exercises throughout to assist in mastering

the techniques. Velda’s instructions take some of the fear and mystery

out of paint on fabric and her glorious designs are an irresistible

invitation to take the challenge to add a painterly touch to your art

quilt from nature.

Catherine Smith

October 3, 2010